Apostles Today


Gk "apostolos" - a sent one, a delegate (delegated authority), an ambassador

 e.g. ambassadors/governors of nations have all the authority of that nation invested in them
Jesus sends apostles to represent the government, the kingdom of God, all the authority of God
Apostolic revelation is all about being sent by the King of kings to manifest His kingdom authority in the earth

Every apostle must be sent by someone

The 12 apostles were sent by Jesus, Jesus was sent by the Father
John 20:21 - As the Father sent (apostello) Me (Jesus), so now I send you (apostles)
Apostello - to send, set free

Hebrews 3:1

Consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession
Mostly Jesus has been preached as the High Priest

He is the Redeemer, The One who was sacrificed for our sins so that we could be saved. Not many have considered or preached Jesus as the Apostle
Are you ready to consider Jesus as the Apostle

It is time for us to consider Jesus the Apostle

If we do not receive Jesus as the Apostle we will not receive the One who sent Him, we miss out on a revelation of the Father
We will remain servants without a Father if we do not understand Jesus as the Apostle

Confession of Jesus the Apostle

Sent with a purpose to build the House of God in the earth

All things in heaven and on earth come together in Christ, High Priest takes us into heavenly realm, Apostle builds on the earth
Matthew 16:18 - On this Rock I will build My Church - this was Jesus main work as an apostle, to build the church
Hebrews 3:3,6 - What is the house of God? We are the house of God, Christ is a Son over this house
1 Timothy 3:15 - House of God is the church of the Living God
This is Jesus' work as an apostle, to build the house of God, the church

How did Jesus do this building work?

Ephesians 4:11-12
Ephesians 2:20
Revelation 21:14
1 Corinthians 3:11
Ephesians 2:21-22

The ministry of Jesus the Apostle continues in the earth as he raises up apostles to be doing the work

A look at apostles in the New Testament
Who decided there were no apostles today and that there were lots of pastors? What authority decided these things?

26 people in New T are called apostles -

Jesus appointed 12 - 1 was a failure

Acts 1:20-25
Acts 13:1-2
Acts 14:4, 14
Romans 16:7
1 Corinthians 4:6
2 Corinthians 8:23
Galatians 1:19, 1 Corinthians 9:5
Philippians 2:25
1 Thessalonians 1:1, 2:6

Pastors = no named in New T
Evangelists = 1, Philip Acts 21:8
Prophets = Agabus, Silas, Judas (Acts 15:32)
Teachers = Acts 13:1 - 5 men mentioned, certain prophets and teachers

1. What is the task of Apostle?

To build the house of God, the church
1 Corinthians 3:10-11 - apostle has master plan and lays foundation for it to be built upon and the foundation is only ever Jesus the Christ

2. What is the role of the Apostle?

To represent and make known the Sender

Who sent Jesus? Father (only about 10x God mentioned Father in Old T, in gospels alone over 100x God called Father)
Who sends apostles today? Jesus

3. What is the grace of an apostle?

1. To be a father
2. To bring forth revelation
Colossians 1:26-27 - the revelation of the mystery is the inheritance of the saints Ephesians 3:2-8
3. Grace as a wise master builder
1 Corinthians 3:10 - apostles are also never sectarian, they carry the burden to see the church be built properly
4. Grace to recognize the calling of others to ministry
5. True apostles love the whole church
Apostleship - GK 'apostole'
= commission, apostolate (what you are commissioned to do)

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